1. people in general considered as a whole (Freq. 35) - he is a hero in the eyes of the public • Syn: populace, world • Hypernyms: people • Hyponyms: admass • Member Meronyms: audience 2. a body of people sharing some common interest (Freq. 4) - the reading public • Hypernyms: body
1. not private; open to or concerning the people as a whole (Freq. 50) - the public good - public libraries - public funds - public parks - a public scandal - public gardens - performers and members of royal families are public figures • Ant: private • Similar to: in the public eye, national, open, semipublic, state-supported, unexclusive, unrestricted • See Also: exoteric, overt, open • Derivationally related forms: publicity 2. affecting the people or community as a whole (Freq. 22) - community leaders - community interests - the public welfare • Similar to: common