Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

cab [cab cabs] BrE [kæb] NAmE [kæb] noun
1. a taxi
2. the place where the driver sits in a bus, train or lorry/truck

Word Origin:
early 19th cent.: abbreviation of ↑cabriolet.

Example Bank:
I came by cab.
I left my umbrella in the back of the cab.
I ordered a cab to take him home.
I tried to hail a cab but none of them would stop.
I'll call you a cab.
Let's take a cab.
London black cab drivers
Outside, a cab was waiting.
The cab pulled up and they got out.
The driver was sitting in his cab.
We couldn't find a cab anywhere near.
We decided to share a cab.

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