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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

live·ly [lively livelier liveliest] BrE [ˈlaɪvli] NAmE [ˈlaɪvli] adjective (live·lier, live·li·est)
1. full of life and energy; active and enthusiastic
Syn: animated, Syn:vivacious
an intelligent and lively young woman
a lively and enquiring mind
He showed a lively interest in politics.
Her eyes were bright and lively.
2. (of a place, an event, etc.)full of interest or excitement
Syn: bustling
a lively bar
a lively debate
3. (of colours)strong and definite
a lively shade of pink
4. (especially BrE)busy and active
They do a lively trade in souvenirs and gifts.
Derived Word:liveliness

Word Origin:
Old English līflic ‘living, animate’ (see ↑life, ↑-ly).

lively adj.
1. (approving)
Her lively personality will be greatly missed.
spirited • • vivacious • • animated • • dynamic • • energetic • • active • |informal bubbly • |written exuberant • • ebullient • |sometimes disapproving hearty
a/an lively/vivacious/dynamic/bubbly/exuberant/ebullient personality
a lively/spirited/vivacious young woman
a/an lively/spirited/dynamic/energetic/exuberant performance
2. (approving)
It's a lively resort, popular with young people.
busy • |written, approving bustling • • vibrant • |sometimes disapproving crowded
Opp: quiet, Opp: dead
a lively/busy/bustling/vibrant/crowded city
a lively/busy/bustling/crowded place/town/resort/port/harbour/market/bar
a lively/busy/crowded pub

Example Bank:
The party got quite lively later on.
Things got pretty lively towards the end of the evening.
‘Les vignes’ is a lively bar just off the main street.
Her lively personality will be greatly missed.
She has a lively and enquiring mind.
She's an intelligent and lively young woman.
Younger people may prefer a livelier resort such as Malia.

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