Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
sad because of what you have done SORRY the feeling of sadness that you have when sb dies DIE other emotions EMOTION see also HAPPY - not happy, or causing you not to be happy: sad (adverb sadly), unhappy (adverb unhappily); nouns (U): sadness, unhappiness to look/feel sad about sth ◎ It makes me very unhappy that so few of my friends are willing to help. ◎ an unhappy state of affairs - to make sb sad: sadden sb Everyone was saddened by the news of her death. - very unhappy, or causing you to feel very unhappy: miserable a miserable night out - unhappy or bored: (informal) fed up I'm fed up with your endless complaints. - to make sb unhappy: (informal) get* sb down All this talk about illness and death is getting me down. - very unhappy, often for a long period: depressed, (informal) low; noun (U): depression This kind of life is enough to make anyone depressed! ◎ She's depressed about her exam results. ◎ I woke up feeling low. ◎ to suffer from depression - to make sb feel depressed: depress sb; something that depresses you is depressing That film really depressed me. ◎ depressing news - worried and unhappy: upset; to make sb feel worried and unhappy: upset sb; something that upsets you is upsetting She's feeling a bit upset - I think you should leave her alone for a while. ◎ Her sister's death has really upset her. ◎ a deeply upsetting experience - unhappy and not satisfied: dissatisfied, discontented; nouns (U): dissatisfaction, discontent - if you are feeling unhappy and angry, you are in a bad mood - sad because sth that you hoped for has not happened: disappointed; noun (U): disappointment I hope you won't be too disappointed that you haven't got the job. - to make sb feel disappointed: disappoint sb; something that disappoints you is disappointing, a disappointment Not getting into university has been a bitter disappointment to her. - sad, or causing you to feel sad, because you are not with other people: lonely; noun (U): loneliness a lonely existence in a London bedsit ◎ Are you often lonely? - sad because you are away from home: homesick; noun (U): homesickness - to feel unhappy because you have not got sth or cannot do sth that you once had or did: miss sth We miss the house we used to live in. ◎ Now I work at home, I miss cycling to the office every day. - to feel sad or unhappy because a person is not with you any more: miss sb Will you miss me? ※ unhappy about your own troubles - to feel very unhappy about your own troubles: feel* sorry for yourself; this feeling: self-pity (noun U) - a situation or feeling of total unhappiness, so that you have no hope that things will get better: despair (noun U); if you have this feeling, you are in despair - so sad that you might even kill yourself: suicidal When my business collapsed and I had to sell my house, I was overcome with despair and for a time I was almost suicidal. ※ showing you are sad - to produce water from your eyes, and make a noise, because you are unhappy or have hurt yourself: cry Don't cry. I'm sure things will get better soon. ※ more on crying CRY ※ sad situations - if sth happens which you think is bad or unfortunate, you can say that you are sorry to hear it, sorry (that) ※¦ I'm sorry to hear that you'll be leaving soon. ◎ I'm sorry you've been so ill. - something that you should feel sad or sorry about is (formal) regrettable (adverb regrettably) a regrettable incident/fact - to show that you feel sorry about sth or that sth is a pity, you can say that it is unfortunate (adverb unfortunately) It's unfortunate that you missed the meeting. ◎ Unfortunately, I can't help you because I haven't got any money either. - to want sth that cannot now happen or that probably will not happen: wish (that) ※¦ I wish you hadn't reminded me of that. ◎ I wish I didn't have these exams to revise for! ※ more on wishing WANT - an event or situation that causes great sadness: tragedy (noun C/U); adjective: tragic (adverb tragically) It's an absolute tragedy that the school has had to be closed. ◎ to end in tragedy ◎ a tragic accident - if you feel sad for another person because of what has happened to them, you are sorry (for them) - to try to stop sb feeling sad: comfort sb, console sb - understanding of other people's feelings and problems: sympathy (for/towards sb) (noun U); adjective: sympathetic She's had a hard time recently and I feel a lot of sympathy for her. ◎ a sympathetic look ※ more on being sympathetic SYMPATHY
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