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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.use1 S1 W1 /juːz/ BrE AmE verb
[Word Family: noun: ↑usage, ↑use, ↑disuse, ↑misuse, ↑reuse, ↑usefulness ≠ ↑uselessness, ↑user; adjective: ↑reusable, used ≠ ↑unused, ↑disused, ↑useful ≠ ↑useless, ↑usable ≠ ↑unusable; verb: ↑use, ↑misuse, ↑reuse; adverb: ↑usefully ≠ ↑uselessly]
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: user, from Latin usus, past participle of uti 'to use']
1. USE SOMETHING [transitive] if you use a particular tool, method, service, ability etc, you do something with that tool, by means of that method etc, for a particular purpose:
Can I use your phone?
I’ll show you which room you can use.
I always use the same shampoo.
Use your imagination when planning meals.
She booked the flight using a false name.
easy/difficult/simple etc to use
Drop-down menus make the program very easy to use.
use something for (doing) something
They were using animals for scientific experiments.
Bob uses the van for picking up groceries.
use something as something
My parents use the house as a holiday home.
use something to do something
Most people now use their cars to go shopping.
use force (=use violent methods)
2. AMOUNT OF SOMETHING [transitive] to take an amount of something from a supply of food, gas, money etc:
We use about £40 worth of electricity a month.
Standard washing machines use about 40 gallons of water.
3. TREAT SOMEBODY UNFAIRLY [transitive] to make someone do something for you in order to get something you want:
Can’t you see that Howard is just using you?
Gerald had been using her for his own ends.
4. AN ADVANTAGE [transitive] to take advantage of a situation
use something to do something
She used her position as manager to get jobs for her friends.
5. could use something spoken if you say you could use something, you mean you would really like to have it:
I could use a drink.
6. WORD [transitive] to say or write a particular word or phrase:
We use the word ‘hardware’ to describe the actual machine.
Don’t use bad language.
7. DRUGS [intransitive and transitive] to regularly take illegal drugs ⇨ ↑used to
• • •
use: Do you mind if I use your phone? | They rebuilt the church using local stone. | We use a range of different methods.
make use of something to use something that is available to you: Staff can make use of a wide range of facilities. | She made full use of her contacts within the organization.
employ formal to use a particular method or skill in order to achieve something: The surgeons employed a new technique. | They employed every means at their disposal (=every available method).
utilize formal to use something that is available to you, for a practical purpose: The company has developed a new way to utilize solar energy. | a better way of utilizing the space
exploit to use something as fully and effectively as possible, or to use something that will give you an advantage over your opponent: The country’s natural resources have not yet been fully exploited. | He was quick to exploit any weakness in his opponent’s argument.
apply to use something such as a method, idea, or system in a particular situation: New technology is being applied to almost every industrial process. | I wanted to apply the things that I had learned on the course.
draw on something to use information, knowledge, or experience that you have learned in the past: He was able to draw on his own experience as a diplomat when he was writing the book. | Journalists draw on information from many different sources.
resort to something to use violence, force, threats etc as a way of achieving something: Extremists on both sides resort to violence. | We are prepared to resort to force if necessary.
to use your power or your rights
exercise formal to use your rights, authority, influence etc: Only 40% of the poulation exercised their right to vote. | Congress must decide whether to exercise its veto.
wield /wiːld/ formal to use great power or influence: The central banks wield enormous power.
use something ↔ up phrasal verb

to use all of something:
She’s used up all the hot water.
II.use2 S1 W1 /juːs/ BrE AmE noun

[Word Family: noun
: ↑usage, ↑use, ↑disuse, ↑misuse, ↑reuse, ↑usefulness ≠ ↑uselessness, ↑user; adjective
: ↑reusable, used ≠ ↑unused, ↑disused, ↑useful ≠ ↑useless, ↑usable ≠ ↑unusable; verb
: ↑use, ↑misuse, ↑reuse; adverb
: ↑usefully ≠ ↑uselessly]
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: us, from Latin usus; ⇨ ↑use1]
1. [singular, uncountable] the action or fact of using something:
an exit for use in emergencies
use of
the increasing use of computers in education
2. [countable] a purpose for which something can be used:
Robots have many different uses in modern industry.
have/find a use for something
The cupboard is full of things I can never find a use for.
3. make use of something to use something that is available in order to achieve something or get an advantage for yourself:
We will make use of her vast experience.
There is an answering machine for you to make use of.
Try to make good use of your time.
4. put something to (good) use to use something such as knowledge or skills for a particular purpose:
a job where her management skills can be put to good use
5. the use of something the ability or right to use something:
Joe’s given me the use of his office till he gets back.
He lost the use of both legs as a result of the accident.
6. be (of) no use (to somebody) to be completely useless:
You needed blankets to keep warm because the heating was no use.
Take this – it’s of no use to me any more.
7. it’s no use doing something spoken used to tell someone not to do something because it will have no effect:
It’s no use complaining.
8. it’s no use! spoken used to say that you are going to stop doing something because you do not think it will be successful:
Oh, it’s no use! I can’t fix it.
9. what’s the use (of something) spoken used to say that something seems to be a waste of time:
What’s the use of decorating the house if we are going to sell it?
10. be in use a machine, place etc that is in use is being used:
Electric vehicles built in 1920 were still in use in the 1950s.
11. for the use of somebody provided for a particular person or group of people to use:
a bar for the use of the guests
12. be of use (to somebody/something) to be useful:
He was charged with having information likely to be of use to terrorists.
13. come into use (also bring something into use) to start being used, or to start using something:
Computers first came into use in the early 1950s.
14. go/be out of use a machine, place etc that goes out of use or is out of use is not being used:
Some 4,000 railway stations have gone out of use since the 1960s.
15. have no use for somebody/something to have no respect for someone or something:
She has no use for people who are always complaining.
16. something/somebody has their uses spoken used, often humorously, to say that something or someone can sometimes be useful, even though it may not seem that way:
Being stubborn can have its uses.
17. [countable] one of the meanings of a word, or the way that a particular word is used
• • •
widespread/extensive use (=when something is used in many places or situations, or among many people) The widespread use of computers changed business completely.
efficient use Doing the work in stages makes the most efficient use of resources.
effective use We need to consider whether there could be a more effective use of our time.
heavy/frequent use (=when something is used a lot) The heavy use of pesticides in the area led to severe health problems.
regular use These drugs are not recommended for regular use.
greater use We want to encourage employees to make greater use of the sports facilities.
land use Our department is responsible for establishing the guidelines for land use in the county.
drug/alcohol use Drug use among teenage boys is on the increase.



When you use something you do something with it.

danh từ
sự sử dụng hoặc được sử dụng
the use of electricity for heating
sự dùng điện để sưởi
to learn the use of a lathe
học cách sử dụng máy tiện
an ingenious use of wind power
một cách sử dụng năng lượng gió tài tình
the use of force/terrorism/blackmail
sự sử dụng bạo lực/kế khủng bố/kế tống tiền
to keep something for one's own use
giữ cái gì để dùng riêng
funds for use in emergencies
quỹ để dùng khi khẩn cấp
the ointment is for external use only
thuốc mỡ này chỉ dùng để bôi ngoài da thôi
bought for use, not for ornament
mua để dùng, không phải để trang trí
the lock has broken through constant use
khoá bị hỏng do dùng thường xuyên
mục đích; công việc mà một người hoặc vật có thể làm được
a tool with many uses
dụng cụ đa năng
to find a new use for something
tìm được công dụng mới cho cái gì
quyền sử dụng cái gì
to allow a tenant the use of the garden
cho phép người thuê được quyền sử dụng khu vườn
I've the use of the car this week
tuần này tôi được quyền dùng xe ô tô
năng lực sử dụng cái gì
to have full use of one's faculties
có đầy đủ năng lực sử dụng các khả năng của mình
to lose the use of one's legs
mất năng lực sử dụng đôi chân
giá trị hoặc lợi ích; tính hữu ích
what's the use of worrying about it?
lo lắng có ích gì?
it's no use pretending you didn't know
anh làm ra vẻ không biết thì cũng chẳng ích gì
you're no use in the choir - you can't sing a note!
anh tham gia ban đồng ca chẳng ích lợi gì - một nốt nhạc mà anh cũng chẳng biết hát nữa là!
recycled materials are mostly of limited use
vật liệu dùng lại thường có giá trị hạn chế
tập quán, tục lệ hoặc thói quen; cách dùng thông thường hoặc quen thuộc
long use has accustomed me to it
dùng riết rồi tôi cũng quen với cái đó
to come into /go out of use
bắt đầu/hết được sử dụng
to have no use for somebody
không ưa ai
to have no use for something
không cần dùng cái gì nữa
in use
đang được sử dụng; đang dùng
to make the best use of something
xem best
to make use of something/somebody
dùng hoặc được lợi từ cái gì/ai; lợi dụng
make full use of every chance you have to speak English
hãy tận dụng mọi cơ hội có được để nói tiếng Anh
we'll make good use of her talents
chúng tôi sẽ tận dụng tài năng của cô ta
no earthly use
xem earthly
of use
có ích; hữu ích
these maps might be of (some) use to you on your trip
những bản đồ này có thể sẽ có ích cho anh trong chuyến đi
to put something to good use
lợi dụng cái gì
he'll be able to put his experience in the new job
anh ta sẽ tận dụng được kinh nghiệm bản thân trong công việc mới
động từ
dùng cái gì cho một mục đích; đưa cái gì vào sử dụng
do you know how to use a lathe?
anh biết cách dùng máy tiện hay không?
use your common sense!
hãy vận dụng cái lương tri thông thường của anh!
may I use your phone?
tôi dùng máy điện thoại của ông được không ạ?
a hammer is used for driving in nails
búa được dùng để đóng đinh
she used her unmarried names for professional purposes
bà ta dùng cái tên khi chưa lấy chồng của mình cho những mục đích nghề nghiệp
I use my bike for (going) shopping
tôi dùng xe đạp đi mua hàng
we used the money to set up an irrigation project
chúng tôi dùng tiền để lập một đề án thủy lợi
may I use your name as a reference?
tôi dùng tên anh như người chứng nhận được không?
đối xử, đối đãi
to use one's friends well
cư xử tốt với bạn bè
he has used her shamefully
nó đối xử với cô ta một cách đáng hổ thẹn
he thinks himself ill-used
nó cho rằng nó bị bạc đãi
bóc lột một cách ích kỷ; lợi dụng
he felt used by her
nó cảm thấy bị cô ta lợi dụng
he used the bad weather as an excuse for not coming
nó lợi dụng thời tiết xấu làm cái cớ để không đến
tiêu dùng; tiêu thụ
use the milk sparingly, there's not much left
hãy dùng sữa dè xẻn, không còn lại bao nhiêu đâu
the car used a gallon of petrol for the journey
xe ô tô dùng hết một galông xăng cho chuyến đi này
(từ Mỹ, nghĩa Mỹ) hút (thuốc lá)
I could use a drink
tôi rất muốn uống một cái gì đó
boy, could I use hot bath?
này anh bạn, tôi muốn tắm nước nóng!
to use one's loaf
suy nghĩ có kết quả, sử dụng trí thông minh
to use something up
dùng (vật liệu...) chjo đến hết không còn gì, tận dụng; dùng hoặc làm cho cái gì mệt đến kiệt sức
I've used up all the glue
tôi đã dùng hết sạch keo dán
she used up the chicken bones to make soup
cô ta tận dụng xương gà để nấu súp
to use up all one's strength/energy
dùng hết sức mạnh/nghị lực của mình

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