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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

pre·view [preview previews previewed previewing] noun, verb BrE [ˈpriːvjuː] NAmE [ˈpriːvjuː]
1. an occasion at which you can see a film/movie, a show, etc. before it is shown to the general public
a press preview (= for journalists only)
a special preview of our winter fashion collection
see also sneak preview
2. a description in a newspaper or a magazine that tells you about a film/movie, a television programme, etc. before it is shown to the public
Turn to page 12 for a preview of next week's programmes.
3. (NAmE) = trailer n. (4)

Example Bank:
On today's show, we'll have exclusive previews of some of the best new music.
a press preview of a new film

1. ~ sth to see a film/movie, a television programme, etc. before it is shown to the general public and write an account of it for a newspaper or magazine
The exhibition was previewed in last week's issue.
2. ~ sth (especially NAmE)to give sb a short account of sth that is going to happen, be studied, etc
The professor previewed the course for us.
Verb forms:

▼ Từ liên quan / Related words
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