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Từ điển WordNet v3.1 - WordNet Dictionary
Jewish holy day

a religious holiday for Jews
religious holiday, holy day
Succoth, Sukkoth, Succos, Feast of Booths, Feast of Tabernacles,
Tabernacles, Rosh Hodesh, Rosh Chodesh, High Holy Day, High Holiday, Purim,
Shavous, Shabuoth, Shavuoth, Shavuot, Pentecost, Feast of Weeks,
Shimchath Torah, Simchat Torah, Simhath Torah, Simhat Torah, Simchas Torah, Rejoicing over the Law,
Rejoicing of the Law, Rejoicing in the Law, Tishah b'Av, Tishah b'Ab, Tisha b'Av, Tisha b'Ab,
Ninth of Av, Ninth of Ab, Fast of Av, Fast of Ab, Hanukkah, Hanukah,
Hannukah, Chanukah, Chanukkah, Channukah, Channukkah, Festival of Lights,
Feast of Lights, Feast of Dedication, Feast of the Dedication, Lag b'Omer

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