Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Việt Anh (Vietnamese English Dictionary)

to peel ; to skin; to husk

động từ.
to take off, to peel (fruit), to husk, to shuck; to open (mail)
bóc lạc
to husk (shuck) groundnuts
bóc bánh chưng
to take off the wrapping of a square glutinous ricecake, to unwrap a square glutinous rice cake
bóc lớp đất đá phủ trên vỉa than
to take off the layer of earth and rock on a coal seam
lớp sơn bị bóc
the coat of paint was scraped off
bóc quả cam
to peel an orange, to open an orange
to remove
bóc một đoạn đường ray
to remove a portion of railway
loot, rob
bóc áo tháo cày
to bleed white
bóc ngắn cắn dài
to live beyond one's means; bite off more than one can chew

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