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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

plug [plug plugs plugged plugging] noun, verb BrE [plʌɡ] NAmE [plʌɡ]
1. a small plastic object with two or three metal pins, that connects a piece of electrical equipment to the main supply of electricity
a three-pin plug
I'll have to change the plug on my hairdryer.
2. (informal, especially BrE)a small opening in a wall, by which you connect a piece of electrical equipment to the main supply of electricity
Syn: socket
Can I use this plug for my iron?
3. a small object that connects a wire from one piece of electrical equipment to an opening in another
the plug from the computer to the printer  
4. = spark plug  
5. a thick round piece of plastic, rubber or metal that you put in the hole in a bath/ ↑bathtub or a ↑sink to stop the water flowing out
She pulled out the plug and let the water drain away.  
6. a round piece of material that fits into a hole and blocks it
She took the plug of cotton wool from her ear.
see also earplug
7. (NAmE) = stopper  
8. a small plastic tube that you put into a hole in a wall so that it will hold a screw  
9. (informal)praise or attention that sb gives to a new book, film/movie, etc. in order to encourage people to buy or see it
He managed to get in a plug for his new book.
see pull the plug on sb/sth at pull v.

Word Origin:
early 17th cent.: from Middle Dutch and Middle Low German plugge, of unknown ultimate origin.

top • cork • cap • plug
These are all words for a cover for a container.
lid • a cover over a container that can be removed or opened by turning or lifting it: a jar with a tight-fitting lid
top • a thing that you put over the end of sth such as a pen or bottle in order to close it
cork • a small round object made of cork or plastic that is used for closing bottles, especially wine bottles
cap • (often in compounds) a top for a pen or a protective cover for sth such as the lens of a camera
plug • a round piece of material that you put into a hole in order to block it; a flat round rubber or plastic thing that you put into the hole of a sink in order to stop the water from flowing out: a bath plug
a tight-fitting lid/top/cap
a screw top/cap
a pen lid/top
to put on/screw on/take off/unscrew the lid/top/cap
to pull out the cork/plug

Example Bank:
I got out of the bathtub and pulled the plug.
I pushed the jack plug into the amp.
My room only has one plug socket.
The iron is fitted with a three-pin plug.
They decided to pull the plug on the project.
There was plenty of hot water, but there was no bath plug.
We fixed the leak with a plug made from an old cloth.
Derived:plug away plug into something plug something in plug something into something
verb (-gg-) 
1. ~ sth (up) to fill a hole with a substance or piece of material that fits tightly into it
He plugged the hole in the pipe with an old rag.  
2. ~ sth to provide sth that has been missing from a particular situation and is needed in order to improve it
A cheaper range of products was introduced to plug the gap at the lower end of the market.  
3. ~ sth (informal)to give praise or attention to a new book, film/movie, etc. in order to encourage people to buy it or see it
Syn: promote
She came on the show to plug her latest album.  
4. ~ sb (old-fashioned, NAmE, informal)to shoot sb
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
early 17th cent.: from Middle Dutch and Middle Low German plugge, of unknown ultimate origin.

Example Bank:
In the lecture he demonstrated how different odours plug directly into our emotions.
The system plugs directly into a television receiver.
We kept plugging away at the school until they agreed to our demands.
Divers succeeded in plugging the leaks from the tanker.


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