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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

eti·quette [etiquette etiquettes] BrE [ˈetɪket] NAmE [ˈetɪket] BrE [ˈetɪkət] NAmE [ˈetɪkət] noun uncountable
the formal rules of correct or polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession
advice on etiquette
medical/legal/professional etiquette
see also netiquette

Word Origin:
mid 18th cent.: from French étiquette ‘list of ceremonial observances of a court’, also ‘label, etiquette’, from Old French estiquette, from estiquier ‘to fix’, from Middle Dutch steken.

Example Bank:
Etiquette requires that the bride's father makes a speech.
Etiquette requires that winners make a speech.
He did not know the proper etiquette for greeting people of such high rank.
He had breached etiquette by not informing his superiors of his decision.
He is an expert on matters of etiquette.
He showed his contempt for social etiquette by not wearing a tie.
How good is your email etiquette?
I don't know the etiquette required here.
She considered it poor etiquette to invite people over and then cancel just the day before.
She knew how to address bishops according to the rules of etiquette.
She's a real stickler for etiquette, so you'd better ask her advice.
The lawyer was accused of a breach of professional etiquette.
What's the correct etiquette when addressing a judge?
a breach of court etiquette
a business etiquette expert
the strict etiquette of palace life

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