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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th
Richard II

I. Richard II [Richard II] BrE NAmE
(1367–1400) the king of England from 1377 to 1399, following his grandfather King ↑Edward III. He became king at the age of 10, relying on his uncle ↑John of Gaunt to help rule the country, and was successful in defeating the ↑Peasants' Revolt of 1381. The rest of his rule was spent trying to control the other powerful men of the country, particularly Henry Bolingbroke, John of Gaunt’s son. In 1398 Richard sent Henry abroad, but he returned the following year and seized power, ruling as King ↑Henry IV. Richard was put in prison, where he died, possibly murdered.
II. Richard II [Richard II] BrE NAmE
a play (1595) by William Shakespeare. It tells the story of the final years of King Richard II's life, presenting him as a weak man who cannot control the powerful men of the time.

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