Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Việt Anh (Vietnamese English Dictionary)

To wind round the head
chít khăn to wind a turban round one's head
(nói vỠđồ mặc) To fit closely
thắt lưng da chít bụng a leather belt fitting closely
To stitch tighter
chít áo to stitch tighter a jacket
quần chít ống a pair of tight-legged trousers
To stop, to fill in
chít vách to fill in the gaps in a wattle and daub wall

danh từ
Great-great-great grandchild
động từ
To wind round the head, wrap up
chít khăn
to wind a turban round one's head
(nói vỠđồ mặc) To fit closely
thắt lưng da chít bụng
a leather belt fitting closely
To stitch tighter
chít áo
to stitch tighter a jacket
quần chít ống
a pair of tight-legged trousers
To stop, to fill in
chít vách
to fill in the gaps in a wattle and daub wall
chít khe hở bằng xi măng
to fill in the gaps with cement

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